#MeToo Story Number 15 - By Anon

I was 17 and I was at my school’s prom party (this was in 2019). I stayed up late with my prom date, as well as a few other kids from different classes. We all sat around a campfire. One boy that was there had been complimenting me throughout the night, in ways that seemed awkward and unnecessary. When his girlfriend went to bed, I was left with him, my date, and a few other “juts harmless good guys,” which is what they were quick to call themselves and others when the topic of #MeToo was mention. This boy who was ‘complimenting’ gradually, but also abruptly, got closer to me until he began to rub my back. I leaned over, to the point where I was hunched over, but he kept getting closer. I knew he I was uncomfortable. The worst part was that no boys in the circle, not even my date who was right there, said anything. The same boy did this again later. He would do it by asking his friend for something, but then he would rest his hand on my thigh as he grabbed said thing. Again, none of the boys spoke up. At the end of the night, my date and I sat in my car to warm up, but really I just wanted to get away and I felt like the presence of this boy made me less vulnerable. We just sat and listened to Sinatra as the sun rose. I was slightly annoyed at my date’s lack of confrontation with the other boy, but I thought he had somehow made up for it by telling him off... just to me... when we were alone. The boy later came over and asked to join us in the car. Soon after he got in, I got out. He then commented to my date about how nice my butt looked in my leggings. My date agreed. My date told me about that situation later and thought it was funny.

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