I was first molested by my father, it started in small barely noticeable ways when I was 9 or 10 Yrs old. By the time I was 14 I started to realize what was going on. I was naive and young.
I thought it was normal even though it was uncomfortable. When I was 14 and in High School was when I began to notice that not everyones family was like mine. I never said anything though. I was scared. I have 3 sisters 1 older and 2 younger. One night that I remember clearly my youngest sister was sleeping with me. That night when my father entered the room. He watched us while he thought I was sleeping. In my mind I would pray hoping he would go away. I could smell the cigarette smoke and he just stood there in the dark. Eventually, I fell asleep waiting for him to leave. Nothing happened that night but I remember that night vividly because I now know why my memories are so vague. I pretended that when he came into the room and sat on my bed that it was a dream, a nightmare like so many I used to have then. Only when I woke with my youngest sister who was only 5 yrs old at the time was looking at the shelf and said "Teli you pume" I knew exactly what she was asking me. She wanted to know if I smoked. I said "no" but I just stared at the ashes left on the shelf at the edge of the bed. I knew it wasn't a dream anymore and now I knew the other dreams weren't dreams either. They were real life nightmares, that I tried to make not real. So I didn't have to deal with it.
I would love to say I was the whistle blower but I wasn't. I tried to protect the rest of my family and wouldn't let them know what was going on. it wasn't until my older sister came home from school really late and we found out she was planning to run away. She took my mother aside as my mother shooed my younger sister and I away. We were in the room, I remember feeling anxious and so did she. I didn't know why she felt that way but I knew I had to tell my mother right then and there. My mother tried to shoo us away again but this time I said "Mami, me too!" and my younger sister echoed "me, too". My mothers face crumbled and she was overwhelmed that all 3 of her daughters were being molested by their father.
I wish I could say that it ends there but I was later sexually assaulted by a 16 yr old boy. I was fortunate because I got away, but I later learned that there were others, he had done the same thing to them. I never said anything to anyone. I didn't want my parents to know I was not at school or that I was with people I shouldn't have been with. I kept my secret but when ever I saw him his face became distorted to me. I swore he was laughing and me saying 'I know what I did to you" I felt paralyzed and numb when I would see him at school.
I kept these to my self for many years. I was afraid that I would be blamed for my sisters, and I would be blamed for being where I wasn't supposed to be. So I kept my secrets to my self.