#MeToo Story Number 10 - By Anon
When I was 15 I ended up in an emotionally abusive relationship, I didn't realize till many years later that being manipulated into doing things you don't want to do is wrong. "If you love me you'll have sex with me" is not a sign of a healthy relationship.
When I was 18 I got my first job, a waitress. I spent the next 5 years being both physically and verbally harassed by chef's and customers alike. I lost count of the number of times I went home in tears because someone had grabbed my butt.
When I was 23 I was raped by one of my friends. At the time it happened I didn't even realize it was rape. I didn't say stop or no but I also did not react in any way to what he was doing. I lay perfectly still on his bed and watched the movie we were supposed to be watching together over his shoulder, too scared to move. I cried in his bathroom afterwards because I hadn't wanted it to go that far but didn't know how to make it stop. It wasn't till 8 months later when a guy I had met on tinder had refused to have sex with me because he could tell I was uncomfortable that I realized guys could tell that if you didn't want to have sex with them. It took me 8 months to work out that someone I had known for 10 years had raped me.
When I was 23 an employee at a popular tourist spot put his hand down my bikini bottoms while I was swimming in a lagoon while on holiday. We had never met before and we hadn't even spoken before this happened.
When I was 23 I was asleep in the bed belonging to a guy I had just had sex with when I felt him spread my legs apart and start getting ready to have sex with my sleeping body. He only didn't because I woke up.
When I was 24 I was molested and assaulted while I was passed out drunk on a couch at my friend's place. I woke up part way through and cried and begged him to get off me but he didn't move.
When I was 25 I woke up one night at a friends place to find a guy who swore he had feelings for me on top of me trying to get me to kiss him.
When I was 25 I was cornered in a bar by one of the managers at the company I work for. He pressed my back up against the wall and forced me to kiss him, I tried to push him away but he was twice my size and wouldn't move. I cried in the uber home.